Immersive Food & Wine
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Discover an adventure of a lifetime, personalized just for you.
Give in to succulent seafood, local produce and world-class wine. In the South Pacific, eating is its own experience.
Offering its own unique culinary experiences, the South Pacific is certainly finding its stride when it comes to food.
Sydney’s streets have fused western flavors with those out of Asia, and the markets of Darwin cater to the same culinary tastes.
Wellington, New Zealand has more restaurants per capita than even New York City, and both countries boast wine that’s been acclaimed on an international level. From the traditional kava ceremonies found in Fiji to the fresh fish plucked straight from the ocean, even the most ravenous traveler will find satisfaction in the South Pacific.
Both a delicious way to pass the time and a proven method to get in with the locals, an immersive food and wine vacation serves up plenty of moments you'll most certainly want to savor.
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